Daily Health & Non-Marital Partnerships in Later Life
We are currently recruiting middle-aged and older adult couples (at least one partner must be age 60 or older) for a survey study about daily experiences with health in non-marital romantic relationships. We want to learn about unmarried couples who live together (i.e., cohabit) as well as unmarried couples who live apart, called "living apart together" (LAT).
What does participation involve?
Participation is easy because it is all online! Completing the study involves having both partners individually complete a number of brief, online surveys. These include an initial baseline survey upon enrollment (<15 min) and a brief survey each morning (<1 min; it's only two questions!) and evening (5 min) for a total of 14 consecutive days. Although participation involves the completion of several surveys over the course of 2 weeks, the time commitment each day is relatively short, and can be easily incorporated into an individual's morning and bedtime routine. PLUS, if you complete the study you'll be compensated for your time!*
What are the surveys about?
Participants will be asked demographic questions (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, education, etc.) as well as questions about daily changes in health and emotions, and their daily interactions. The baseline survey is completed at one time only, and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. The surveys that participants will complete each morning and evening for 2 weeks are very brief, taking approximately 5 minutes or less to complete. Responses to survey questions will be kept confidential.
When can we start?
Couples should begin the study whenever it is most convenient for their schedules. We ask that participants choose a two week period that does not conflict with travel plans or other events that may limit couple interaction.
What if my partner does not want to participate?
Each partner must agree to participate and use their own email address to communicate with research staff and receive links to the daily surveys. Because the timing of surveys is an important variable in this study, partners should individually have their own internet-enabled smartphone, tablet, or computer to ensure surveys are completed in the same time frame (after you wake up and before you go to bed).
Will my partner and I be compensated for our time?
If both partners agree to participate and successfully complete the surveys each partner will receive a $50.00 (USD) Amazon gift card.*
Is this study approved by an Institutional Review Board?
Yes. This study has been approved by the University of Missouri Institutional Review Board (IRB): Project # 2005424; Approval Date: 04/26/2017; Expiration Date: 05/12/2018. If you have questions or concerns about this study, you can contact the IRB by phone (573.882.9585) or email ([email protected]).
How do we enroll?
If you and your partner are interested in becoming participants for this study please click on the orange button below to contact a member of the research team. We will respond as quickly as possible to confirm your eligibility and provide you with additional instructions about enrollment or answer any questions you may have about the study.
What does participation involve?
Participation is easy because it is all online! Completing the study involves having both partners individually complete a number of brief, online surveys. These include an initial baseline survey upon enrollment (<15 min) and a brief survey each morning (<1 min; it's only two questions!) and evening (5 min) for a total of 14 consecutive days. Although participation involves the completion of several surveys over the course of 2 weeks, the time commitment each day is relatively short, and can be easily incorporated into an individual's morning and bedtime routine. PLUS, if you complete the study you'll be compensated for your time!*
What are the surveys about?
Participants will be asked demographic questions (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, education, etc.) as well as questions about daily changes in health and emotions, and their daily interactions. The baseline survey is completed at one time only, and should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. The surveys that participants will complete each morning and evening for 2 weeks are very brief, taking approximately 5 minutes or less to complete. Responses to survey questions will be kept confidential.
When can we start?
Couples should begin the study whenever it is most convenient for their schedules. We ask that participants choose a two week period that does not conflict with travel plans or other events that may limit couple interaction.
What if my partner does not want to participate?
Each partner must agree to participate and use their own email address to communicate with research staff and receive links to the daily surveys. Because the timing of surveys is an important variable in this study, partners should individually have their own internet-enabled smartphone, tablet, or computer to ensure surveys are completed in the same time frame (after you wake up and before you go to bed).
Will my partner and I be compensated for our time?
If both partners agree to participate and successfully complete the surveys each partner will receive a $50.00 (USD) Amazon gift card.*
Is this study approved by an Institutional Review Board?
Yes. This study has been approved by the University of Missouri Institutional Review Board (IRB): Project # 2005424; Approval Date: 04/26/2017; Expiration Date: 05/12/2018. If you have questions or concerns about this study, you can contact the IRB by phone (573.882.9585) or email ([email protected]).
How do we enroll?
If you and your partner are interested in becoming participants for this study please click on the orange button below to contact a member of the research team. We will respond as quickly as possible to confirm your eligibility and provide you with additional instructions about enrollment or answer any questions you may have about the study.
*Note: we are only allowed to offer Amazon gift cards in U.S. dollars eligible for use exclusively on the U.S. Amazon website.